Finally a chance to blog another tip again.
Have you ever had to generate a view (like the section view below) on a drawing? What if there's a case where the only view required was the section view?
The interesting part about this situation was the base view was required in order to generate the detail, so you had to have it whether you required it or not.

If you've been around Inventor for a while, you probably remember the old trick. Drag the view off the border. Of course that still left that view there, which was a little insufficient (and maybe just a little irritating!)

However, now, if you right click on a view, you can choose 'Suppress' and the view will suppress and disappear without having to be moved off the page.

Now the view goes away, and you don't have the baggage off the edge of the screen!

And by the way, if you need to unsuppress the view, right click on the view in the browser, uncheck 'Suppress', and you can return the view!

It's a little cleaner, and a little more efficient.
Happy Inventing! And Happy Holidays!